Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Treat yourself Right!

So you were you're running behind again today! You barely had time to grab as snack and some coffee on the way out the door this morning and you've been running ever since. You're proud of yourself for even having enough time to get to the gym today let alone fuel your body right! But before you push through that workout take a deep breath, stop for a second and listen.

Your body is trying to tell you something. You can't go to the gym when you are running on empty. Have a small snack before you hit the weights. You cannot expect your body to perform when you have not given it some fuel. If you are training first thing in the morning, order a shake when you walk in and drink half during your work out and finish it when you are done. There is no point in doing a workout on an empty stomach; you will not be able to push yourself to get the results you want if you don’t start with some fuel in your tank.

You wouldn't drive around town with the gas light on and low air in your tires! So why would we do that to ourselves? We are much more valuable! We may have to rush from one place to the next to accomplish everything we have to in a day, but don't forget that if we want lasting Results, we have to treat out bodies with care.