Thursday, June 7, 2012

Results Fitness: Cutting Edge Solutions! Get Tuned Up!

Ever taken your car in for a tune-up? It’s always a good idea to be on a regular “tune up” schedule with both your car and your body to avoid a breakdown. Results Fitness tune up classes, designed and delivered by our Physical Therapist Amy Wunsch, will “release the brakes” to speed up your progress in your fitness and body composition goals. 

The “brakes,” so to speak, on your progress, can be a number of factors that will all be addressed, including areas that are tight or have knots, or stabilizer muscles that need to be switched on. She has created a workout that will stretch what needs to be stretched, strengthen what needs to be strengthened to “tune you up” to get your body working optimally. 

These Tune-Up sessions can be done before or after one of the other classes or workout sessions or on a day off. You’ll walk out feeling taller, looser, with less tension and renewed overall to attack your next workout. Fit a “tune up” into your schedule 1-2 times a week. You’ll be so glad you did!