Monday, November 28, 2011

Low Muscle Mass a Risk Factor for Diabetes?

Here's yet another reason to hoist those heavy weights.  Research from the University of California, Los Angeles, suggest that minimal muscle mass is associated with increased diabetes risk.  They analyzed the data at 13,644 subjects in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III.  After adjusting for details such as age and ethnicity, the researchers found that subjects presenting with greater muscle mass were less likely to have diabetes risk factors.  Specifically, each 10% increase in skeletal muscle mass resulted in an 11% relative reduction in risk of insulin resistance.  Each 10% increase was also associated with a 12% reduction in risk of prediabetes or overt diabetes. 

The study authors concluded, "Across the full range, higher muscle mass (relative to body size) is associated with better insulin sensitivity and lower risk of developing transitional/pre- or overt diabetes.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Redefine Your Fitness Routine

By Rachel Cosgrove
During the first 10 years of the 21st century, fitness has been redefined. Fitness is no longer about being in a target heart rate zone for a certain period of time or how far you can run only focusing on cardiovascular fitness.
Fitness in the 21st century is about not only having endurance, but also having strength, power, core stability, flexibility, improved range of motion and better function in day-to-day activities.
Does your fitness routine include everything a 21st century fitness routine should?
Too many people get stuck in a rut of doing the same routine for years and most of those routines only work on one aspect of fitness.
For example,
·       Runners work on endurance only in one plane of motion.
·       People who Spin work on endurance only in one plane of motion.
·       People who do Yoga work on their flexibility and range of motion.
·       People who lift weights, do the same lifting routine working on strength usually not including power and core exercises.
·       People who do Pilates work on core strength.
But every single one of the above routines only builds one aspect of fitness missing out on all of the other crucial components. A fitness routine of the 21st century should include all aspects of fitness- endurance, strength, core stability, power, flexibility and range of motion along with working in multiple planes of motion.
People are limited on time now more than ever so how do you include all of the above in a fitness routine?
In one hour you can get all of the above done:
10 minutes- Dynamic warm up improving range of motion & flexibility (walking on the treadmill to warm up is a waste of time).
15 minutes -Power and core exercises which both should be a priority in your routine. Your core exercises should include stability exercises, not crunches.
30 minutes- Strength exercises using compound movements and short rest periods to also put a demand on your cardiovascular system building your endurance.
5 minutes - Finish with a cardiovascular demanding “finisher” getting your heart rate up and your metabolism boosted.

That is what a 21st century fitness routine should look like.
Change up your routine and reinvent your body by redefining your fitness routine!
The above sample routine is based on the templates used at Results Fitness where they have redefined fitness and are leading the way. Call today for your FREE strategy session to get started at 661-799-7900. Or stop by at 24420 Walnut Street in Newhall or visit their website at

Monday, November 14, 2011

So, What's the Big Deal About Fish Oil?

The USDA is now saying if you eat less than five seafood meals per week you should be supplementing with fish oil. There are many, many ways that fish oil benefits the body, but here's one of the big reasons we all should be taking fish oil supplements. 60% of your brain is made up of fats. Your brain needs fats to thrive and stay healthy and if you feed yourself the healthy fats research shows that you "will not" pack on the pounds.

There are three kinds of omega-3 fats: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). While all are powerful anti-inflammatory agents the standout choice for brain health is DHA. EPA can be easily converted to DHA in the body while only about 10% of ALA is converted.

The question now is how much fish oil must we take. The USDA is recommending supplementation of 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams per day with at least 220 milligrams coming from DHA. If you are a regular fish eater then you may be able to take less.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recovery Shakes!!!

 Hey everyone!

An extremely effective (and tasty!) strategy to increase fat loss is to make sure you have a recovery shake post workout.  There are several reasons we at Results Fitness have recommended post-work out shakes for fat loss- and here are some:

1.      Puts the blood sugar balance in favor of fat loss.  After a workout the blood sugar levels are extremely low, and this is not good for fat loss.  By drinking the all natural shakes to replenish your body, this is the fastest way to get your body in fat burning mode again.

2.     Helps rebuild the tissues in the body that have been stressed by exercise.  This is primarily the job of protein and can be thought of the tools your body needs to repair the body.  If your body can repair muscle, then the metabolism can stay elevated which is crucial for fat loss.  This allows for the body to be in rebuild mode, not tear down mode. 

3.     The ingredients are all natural, with no additives or anything that is not absolutely necessary for you.  

4.     They taste FANTASTIC!

Our shakes here at the gym have several add-ins that are available that help with your goals such as sniffles be gone for immune system support , and veggie meal for real which has fiber and a serving of vegetables.

Remember, starving yourself is not the answer to fat loss, in fact depriving yourself of calories will have the opposite affect. Make sure you have your recovery shake after each workout to ensure peak fat loss results.