Friday, February 17, 2012

Is your desk trying to kill you?

By Amy Wunsch MSPT

There are 11 factors to consider when setting up your desk to be the most ergonomically healthy work space. One of these factors is the "finish" on the surface. If your desk has a glossy or reflective surface, you could be at risk for spinal degeneration and even paralysis. Let me explain.

A "shiny" desk reflects the glare form your computer screen, desk lamp and indoor and outdoor (window) lighting. The additional glare from these sources causes eye strain and fatigue, forcing you to squint and thrust your head forward to better see your computer monitor. This forward head position compresses all 7 cervical vertebra. Compression like this can be the cause of headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, spinal degeneration and like I said before, even lead to paralysis.

So the question is... Is it time for a new desk?

I'd like to share with you the remaining 10 Factors to Consider When Setting Up your Desk as well as The 11 Factors to Consider When Setting Up Your Chair and The 11 Factors to Consider When Setting Up Your Work Station.

Join me tomorrow at Results Fitness in Newhall, Saturday the 18th of February at 1:30 pm for the first of a FREE 3 part seminar series designed to make you feel better behind the desk immediately!
Space is limited, so call 661-799-7900 or respond directly to this email to reserve your spot.

See you there!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


BLT's! Bites, licks, and tastes, can derail even the best nutrition plans.  When journaling your meals, be aware of any BLT's you are having.  A few BLT's throughout the day can really add up.

Imagine if every time you pass by the candy dish at work you have just a few M&M's; if you walk by that dish just 4 times a day, every day for a week, having just two or three M&M's each time you pass, that would add up to an extra 200 calories each week, amounting to an extra 5 pounds of weight gain per year.  So, when you are feeding your kids, cooking dinner, or walking by the candy dish at work, stay focused on your goals and eliminate those BLT's from your day.