Thursday, September 30, 2010

"It's Just Warm Up."

 by Craig Rasmussen C.S.C.S.

    People often take their warm ups pretty lightly. The purpose of the “warm up” period is not only to raise your body/core temperature and warm you up in the traditional sense. At Results Fitness we call this period Mobility, Activation, and Movement Preparation (MAMP).
MAMP does several important things:
  1. Addresses tissue quality (via the foam roll)
  2. Elevates body/core temperature.
  3. Charges up/excites the nervous system to prepare for what is ahead in regard to your resistance training.
  4. Takes the joints through ranges of motion to improve mobility.
  5. Takes the body through multiple planes of movement to improve mobility.
The bottom line, take this time period seriously as it will better prepare you for your resistance training session and help to keep you healthy.