Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Just a reminder, tomorrow night is the kick off seminar for our ROCK YOUR JEANS CHALLENGE.

So whether you want to fit into your skinny, baggy, low cut, high cut, 70's, Billy Jack, bell bottom, boot cut, Daisy Duke's or Walker Texas Ranger Jeans....

Interesting Image
This challenge is for you!

Ladies, pick out a pair of jeans 2 sizes too small, follow our program to the letter and you'll be rock'n your jeans within 8 weeks!

Gentleman, you're in this too. If you want to go "FROM GUT TO CUT", grab a belt. We'll measure which notch you're at and help you drop 2 notches by the 8 week mark.

The ROCK YOUR JEANS (GUT-TO-CUT) CHALLENGE is $497 for non-members, $97 for members of Results Fitness and includes:

- Rock Your Jeans nutrition journal.
- Rock Your Jeans shirt
- Motivational accountability meetings with Rachel Cosgrove every Wednesday.
- Access to 4 dynamic group classes per week.

Every person who fits in their jeans by the end of the challenge. wins a $100 gift certificate to J. Serraino. Our gents going From Gut To Cut will win a $50 Sports Chalet Gift Certificate.

Grab your jeans and take the challenge. See you tomorrow!