Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Don't Let Money Change You"

A line from a funky old R&B tune by the O'Jays "For the Love of Money." This song came to mind while I was writing my final weekly email to all our incredible Transformation Contest contestants. As I typed "This is not about the money, it's about you" I started singing {{Don't let moneeeeey chaaange youuuuuuu!}}. Now, I know this steps away from the meaning of the song just a tad, but it's true money shouldn't be our sole motivation for change when it comes to our health.

Trust me, winning money is pretty dang cool. Who couldn't use an extra $1000? The money is a side note though; sure maybe it gets you in the door, peaks your interest, gives you a reason to finally decide to commit to getting healthy, getting fit. That's fine, but don't let the "money" change you, don't let it be your only motivation. Let's be honest, that money will be gone real quick, then what? What's going to motivate you, inspire you to come into the gym? I'll tell you: It's YOU!

It's about YOU not money. It's about making wonderful positive changes in your life, developing good, long-lasting habits, losing body fat, gaining muscle, feeling stronger, faster, more alive, having more energy, looking and feeling better and setting an incredible example for your family and friends. All of these things, and so many more, are so much better than just money. And, they will last much, much longer.

So, as the Transformation Contest winds down to its final days take an inventory from when you started 6 weeks ago to right now. How far have you come? How much fat have you lost? (Every pound is a victory!). How much more energy do you have? How much better do you feel? How much better do you feel about yourself? What positive impact have you made on people around you? Maybe you won't win the contest. That's okay because you're on your way to winning the war. Keep up the hard work!

Cameron Hedges C.S.C.S.
General Manager Results Fitness