Thursday, December 31, 2009
Take the Spartacus Challenge
Created by Results Fitness
and come Join Results Fitness Now to start your own Spartacus Challenge!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Results Fitness Expansion: Complete

Friday, December 25, 2009
What Did Santa Bring?
What did Santa bring????
Santa was very good to Results Fitness this year giving the members and the Results Fitness Team 2000 square feet of more space to use - new flooring and turf to do a ton of new exercises on! His elves will be finishing the floor on Monday and we should be up and running in the new space by the new year!
AND Santa also brought us an Inbody which we have had on our wish list since one year ago when Biospace let us borrow one for a month. What is Inbody? For those of you who weren't here a year ago the Inbody machine is-
A machine that will give you a detailed print out of exactly what your body is made of. Up until now we have been using skin calipers which are very accurate but if the person you work with changes the measurement can change with human error, etc. We have wanted to get something different but have had a hard time finding something as accurate as the calipers. But, FINALLY we found it. This machine is a bio impedance machine but because it takes each segment separately instead of like many of the bio impedance machines that aren't very accurate. This machine is super accurate. You can read more about it here-
What does this mean for the members of Results Fitness-
1. You will no longer have to be pinched to find out your body fat! Yay! But beware the first time on it the numbers may be very different from the calipers because it takes your legs in to account too. The coaches at Results Fitness will help you to interpret your results on your results sheet. The goal is to increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass.
2. If you switch trainers the body fat number we have down for you will not change. We work as a team at Results Fitness and up until now the one thing we have not been able to work as a team on is body fat because we always had to have the same person do your body fat. Now in all aspects of what we do we can work as a team which is what makes us the best that we all work together to make sure our clients achieve amazing results.
3. Many gyms who have this machine charge up to $100 per body fat reading because it is a very expensive machine but now as part of your membership you will be able to get an analysis, and a print out as part of your membership once a month.
So, with our new space, new classes and our new high tech body fat analysis machine 2010 is the year Results Fitness takes your fitness to it's potential!
Thank you Santa!!!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thank you to the members of Results Fitness! Happy Thanksgiving!
A Letter from the Owners of Results Fitness
Dear Results Fitness Members,
What I am thankful for on Thanksgiving morning....Before family and food and commotion take over the day I wanted to send out a note to all of you, the members of Results Fitness to say a HUGE THANK YOU. We have had an amazing year after our renovations last year, "our" book The Female Body Breakthrough coming out and hitting best seller status (I say "our" book because although it has my name on it, it truly is "our" book with stories from many different clients in the gym and the efforts of our entire team), being named one of America's Top Ten Gyms by Men's Health Magazine and winning The BEST Gym in Santa Clarita by The Signal Newspaper. It has been so much fun this year working in an environment where we get to be a part of each of your journeys. And heading in to 2010 we will be expanding again to give our group classes more room and offer you even more! (Just finished negotiating taking over next door this week so by January we should be moving in- exciting!)
I have watched so many of you transform your lives and share that with us, there is nothing more rewarding, thank you! Many of you have been members for years including a few of you who walked in on our grand opening almost 10 years ago when it was Alwyn and I and about 1000 square feet with brown paneling. Thank you for all of your support over the years. It is exciting how far we have come. We appreciate all of your referrals and support over the years.
On the day that we give thanks I'd like to offer my first thanks to you our Results Fitness family, the members of Results Fitness. I know, our success is due to your ongoing support. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving us such a great year. I only hope you've found success, health and happiness this year as well. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, eat lots and lots, enjoying a splurge (I give you permission) and be safe on your holiday travels.
So I know I speak for the entire team at Results Fitness and from Alwyn and myself, when I say thank you to all of you the members of Results Fitness who have supported us, who come in every day and give us the opportunity to help you change your lives and make health and fitness a priority. We are so fortunate to be able to work with people to do something better for themselves.
We will be there for you on Friday after Thanksgiving if you need to come in and work off some extra calories we would love to see you. We have our annual Black Friday Extra Session Sale Happening and will be giving free shake samples! Come in and hang out with your Results Fitness Family and get a work out in!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for everything!
Rachel and Alwyn Cosgrove
and The Results Fitness Team
Friday, September 18, 2009
Results Fitness Wants To Kick Your Business Into Shape

We are launching our exciting new program the "Corporate Fit Challenge" designed specifically to help Santa Clarita businesses get back into shape both physically and fiscally!
The Corporate Fit Challenge is an affordable and effective six-week program that is designed to help company staff members lose fat, gain strength and endurance and improve overall health and wellness. It will do the same for employers as well plus it will improve employee satisfaction and productivity thereby reducing health care costs. This is a win win!!
The CFC is a nationally-recognized wellness program that helps create healthier workplaces by inspiring change in diet and exercise. The initiative is led by world class certified fitness professionals who provide support and motivation.
For more information on the CFC program and how to get started please call 661.799.7900 or email to attn. Cameron Hedges.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Read Rachel's Interview with Young Hollywood
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Results Fitness Named One Of America's Top 10 Gyms
Results Fitness named one of America's Top Ten Gyms by Men's Health Magazine!!!! A big thank you to all of our family (clients, staff, everyone). We could not have done it without you!!! Check out the article here.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New 30-Day Trial! Only $89!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Funny But True! Check This Out!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Great article on Nutrition
This is an article written by Dr. Johnny Bowden for T-Nation. Some great information on the truth about saturated fat. Plus answers to questions about many other foods. A really great read: Just click here!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
New Study on Supervised Exercise

New Study:
Supervised exercise versus non-supervised exercise for reducing weight in obese adults.
Nicolaï SP et al
J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2009 Mar;49(1):85-90.
This research study looked at the effects of training with supervision/instruction (ie a qualified trainer) versus "advice".
Two groups - Group one met a trainer twice a week for 4 months (as a group).
Group two received basic advice to increase physical activity and access to a fully equipped gym (any exercise they did was unsupervised).
The group with supervision lost on average 362% more fat over a 4-month period. (Total fat loss of 13.4lbs in the coached group - and only 3.7lbs in the advice only group).
Interesting side note - They made these improvements without ANY dietary advice given.
This is not a new finding, nor is it that surprising as a good coach or training partner/team can really help with your results. The fact that the group exercised together only served to improve those results further (as social support is one of the key variables in fat loss success) so I'm not sure that the supervision and instruction alone was entirely responsible for the enhanced results - or the social support was part of it. However, it's clear that together it's an unbeatable combination.
You'd also have to assume that there was more instruction in the supervised group as there was more contact with instructors.
Another study came out a few years ago showing that a participant would exercise 30% harder or more (can't remember the exact number) with someone just watching them (i.e. not offering any instruction or encouragement). You can imagine how that could translate into much greater results, when added with a good program, great coaching, great social support and great instruction.
If you are serious about changing your body - hire a coach, or get a great training partner or team to help you.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentines Day Special
There are still spots open for our group coaching special. First 20 to sign up for annual membership to group coaching receive special price of $97 per month (regular price $129). And, your price will never go up. This is a great deal, come and check us out.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Powerful Women!
A couple of months ago several of our ladies competed in a powerlifting competition, in fact some of them will be competing again on February 21st. These ladies are incredible! Read Rachel's article on them at
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
New Group Training Schedule Effective Feb. 2
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Results Fitness Grand Re-Opening Special:
sign-up for our annual
Group Coaching Gold membership
(regularly $129 per month)
and you will pay only $97 a month
plus a one-time enrollment fee.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Clip of Group Coaching Session
Working hard! Having fun! A small taste of what a group coaching session looks like.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Group Coaching For Your Interval Training

Monday, January 19, 2009
Grand Reopening Reminder and Correction
Come and bring a friend!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Naked Nutrition Begins!
Monday, January 12, 2009
One Last Chance For Naked Nutrition!!!!!!
Naked Nutrition Has Sold Out!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Naked Nutrition: Only 3 Spots Left
This really is a great nutrition program. Don't miss this great opportunity to get your nutrition dialed in. Sign up today!!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Naked Nutrition is Back! Beginning Jan. 20th
Classes will begin Tuesday January 20th at 7pm and continue every Tuesday evening for 8 weeks. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is really trying to dial in their nutrition. And, if you are signed up for the Skinny Jeans Challenge this program is perfect to help reach your 2 pant size goal.
For details about Naked Nutrition see Alwyn's blog at:
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Results Fitness Grand Reopening Janurary 29th

There will also be a ribbon cutting ceremony put on by the Santa Clarita Chamber of Commerce. First and foremost though this is our small token of appreciation to all of the Results Fitness family for their incredible support.
Come join us!!! Bring some friends!!! Let's have some fun!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
It is time for our annual Challenge!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Renovation is complete!

The gym looks great! Lot's of new equipment; a whole new section to the gym, the kettlebell gym and of course, the JUICE BAR!
We spared no expense in making sure that your experience with us is nothing short of amazing. Everything we've added is specifically geared to optimize your workouts for the best possible results. A brand new weight training room with new squat racks (and more of them), dumbbells, bars, benches, etc.

Thank you again Results Fitness family! Without your support none of this could have happened.