Sunday, January 4, 2009

It is time for our annual Challenge!

This year we are doing it different! We are doing a Skinny Jeans Challenge! Don't miss out!
Why Skinny Jeans?
With this challenge we want you to focus on something other than the scale and body fat numbers. We want to get the emphasis off of NUMBERS and instead on how you feel and fit in your clothes which is what is most important. And EVERYONE can be a winner this time around! The only deciding factor to whether you win this challenge is- Do your jeans fit? And they have to really fit- to where you can wear them in public and feel confident and good about yourself. Steps to get yourself entered:
1. Find your pair of jeans(these can be from the back of your closet or a new pair you just bought). They should be at least 2 sizes too small. You have 12 weeks and should be able to lose 2 clothing sizes in 12 weeks but you can also go for 3!
2.Bring your jeans in to the gym and also wear something tight to try the jeans on for us over. (We can do this privately in the back if you prefer). We need a picture of you trying your jeans on as high as you can get them and as closed as you can get the button. This is your before picture for the challenge. We keep your jeans and put your name on them. Anytime thoughout the 12 weeks that you want to try them on let us know. The day you take this picture is the start of your 12 weeks.
3. Get your self officially entered- stop at the front desk and sign up for $119.00 which includes your Skinny Jeans Challenge Journal where you will have a place for your before picture, goal setting strategies, our elimination diet which we recommend you do and 12 weeks of nutrition journals along with your chance to WIN! (Remember everyone can be a winner, it is YOU against YOU) If you win- You will get to GO SHOPPING!!! And get yourself a new pair of jeans in your new size(we thought this was much better than a trophy)! And attend our Skinny Jeans Ceremony where we will be taking a picture and using you in a future ad for our gym- You'll be a STAR :)
4. Next talk to your coach about your strategy to win this challenge! Start filling out your goal setting homework and your nutrition journals. Bring them into your coach and do what you need to do every single day to fit into your jeans!
MEN ARE WELCOME TO JOIN IN!!!! Men are also welcome to join in to the skinny jeans challenge! We know you have a pair of jeans you want to fit into too! Why not join in the fun?