For years you have heard us say over and over again “long steady-state cardio does not work for fat loss!” And, to be honest, this is true. A much more effective type of cardio training for fat loss is interval training.
Interval training is simply a way of training the body in an anaerobic state rather than an aerobic state by training with timed work and rest periods. You begin with a work period of let’s say 60 seconds; this work period must be “hard”, you should not be able to talk after the 60 seconds. Then the work period is followed by a period of rest, we’ll say 120 seconds. Other interval examples are 30-30’s, 30-60’s, 60-30’s, etc. or the Tabata protocol of 20-10 (first number is work, second rest).
Most of you know what interval training is so I will not belabor the point. A problem for many is figuring what to do for interval training and when to do it. As for “when” interval training can be done for short bursts, 5-8 min., right after your resistance training, which we often write into your program, and for longer periods, 20-30 min., 2-3 times per week (these should be separate from your strength training days).
As for the “what to do” there are many tools anyone can use for interval training. For the purposes of this tip we will focus on one: Group Coaching/Kettlebell classes. These classes were put into place specifically to enhance your training experience here at Results Fitness. Each class meets the metabolic needs everyone has for optimal calorie burn and long term fat loss. In fact, one class will burn as many as 550 calories. This is incredibly significant in terms of our overall fat loss goals.
Why are these classes so effective? The training that takes place in group coaching is purely interval training. After flexibility, mobility and warm up we have 30 minutes of high intensity interval training broken up into 7-8 stations of varying exercises. Kettlebells are just one of many tools we incorporate into these programs. We use dumbbells, barbells, ropes, sand bags, steps, boxes, whatever we need to meet anyone’s specific fitness goals.
These classes are for everyone! The client’s currently taking advantage of group coaching range in age from their 20’s to 60’s. Many had some nagging issues with shoulders or lower backs before they started. Those issues have disappeared as a result of group classes. Not to mention the incredible fat loss results. This stuff works! It’s incredibly fun and it’s free for all our members.
For those who are not members and would like an inexpensive alternative to our regular semi-private coaching programs, we offer an annual membership for $129 a month just for group coaching.
Do yourself a great favor by checking out a schedule at the front desk to see our available class times. If you have friends who may be interested in group coaching bring them along on Thursday January 29th 6pm for our Grand Reopening. Come and check out a class! You will love it!