$25 for 28 Days, 2 group classes per week! Grab a coupon come check out Results Fitness. Or buy coupons as gifts for family and friends!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Beginning Saturday, November 27th
through Saturday, December 18th
Results Fitness will be collecting items
for the Santa Clarita Valley
Emergency Winter Shelter.
We are asking our members and
the Santa Clarita Valley community
to donate items needed for the
upcoming winter season.
Visit the EWS website for their urgent needs list at http://www.santaclaritashelter.com/
As our way of saying "thank you" for your support,
any non-member who donates an item or items
may attend one of our Saturday
group fitness coaching sessions FREE*!
All Results Fitness members who donate an item or items
will receive $1.00 off the purchase of any shake.
*Saturday group fitness coaching sessions are 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 a.m.
Please arrive approximately 15 minutes early to fill-out a health history.
Space is limited to the first 24 people, so please arrive early.
through Saturday, December 18th
Results Fitness will be collecting items
for the Santa Clarita Valley
Emergency Winter Shelter.
We are asking our members and
the Santa Clarita Valley community
to donate items needed for the
upcoming winter season.
Visit the EWS website for their urgent needs list at http://www.santaclaritashelter.com/
As our way of saying "thank you" for your support,
any non-member who donates an item or items
may attend one of our Saturday
group fitness coaching sessions FREE*!
All Results Fitness members who donate an item or items
will receive $1.00 off the purchase of any shake.
*Saturday group fitness coaching sessions are 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 a.m.
Please arrive approximately 15 minutes early to fill-out a health history.
Space is limited to the first 24 people, so please arrive early.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Results Fitness Is Hiring!!!!
Looking for a contagious personality to join the Results Fitness team! Results Fitness is hiring for a New Member Sales position with the direct responsibility being to connect with potential clients, acquire & sign them up, while working with the team to help as many people as possible to change their lives. Email Cameron Hedges, our manager at cameron@results-fitness.com if you are interested.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How Important Is Your Warmup???
Every single class and individual program at Results Fitness includes a warmup, perhaps the least interesting part of your workout, but one of the most important. Warming up your body prior helps prepare you for more intense activity. You are actually increasing your body's core temperature during the warmup. Neglecting to warmup can lead to limited mobility and flexibility as well as injuries and general tightness. Beyond the general physiological benefits of warming up, performing movements you will be doing during your workout or during the sport you play helps the brain visualize what its about to do. So whether you are in on your own, taking a class, or meeting with a coach, keep in mind the importance of your warmup to your workout; it will increase strength, improve your balance, mechanics, and control of your body, and keep injuries at bay.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Food Preparation
One of the things that clients struggle with quite often is preparing meals in order to stay compliant to their nutritional plan. An easy tip that we often suggest is to simply make a double portion of your dinner (which is typically a compliant meal), pack it in a portable container and have it for lunch the following day. Problem solved.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
3-weeks Into the Thermometer Jeans Challenge! Guess What!!!
3 weeks in to the Thermometer Jeans Challenge. Group 1(5:45am group) ALL were able to button and zip and we aren't even half way! "I'm shocked!" "Are you sure these are my jeans?" "I can't believe it!" "I am going to be able to buy a smaller pair before the end!" were all direct quotes this morning! LOVE IT!!!!! Everyone has made serious progress toward their "drop 2 pant size" goal!!!! Almost everyone could button and zip their jeans. The few that couldn't were right there. 3 WEEKS!!! Awesome job all of you!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
"It's Just Warm Up."
by Craig Rasmussen C.S.C.S.
People often take their warm ups pretty lightly. The purpose of the “warm up” period is not only to raise your body/core temperature and warm you up in the traditional sense. At Results Fitness we call this period Mobility, Activation, and Movement Preparation (MAMP).
People often take their warm ups pretty lightly. The purpose of the “warm up” period is not only to raise your body/core temperature and warm you up in the traditional sense. At Results Fitness we call this period Mobility, Activation, and Movement Preparation (MAMP).
MAMP does several important things:
- Addresses tissue quality (via the foam roll)
- Elevates body/core temperature.
- Charges up/excites the nervous system to prepare for what is ahead in regard to your resistance training.
- Takes the joints through ranges of motion to improve mobility.
- Takes the body through multiple planes of movement to improve mobility.
The bottom line, take this time period seriously as it will better prepare you for your resistance training session and help to keep you healthy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Foods that are off limits!
Have you ever started a diet or nutrition program where you made certain foods off limits? While following this program, did you find yourself frequently craving these off limits foods? In many cases, we get to the point where we give in to this food, and then continue to eat it past the point of fullness, even when the food doesn't make us feel good. This is exactly why it's important to allow yourself the weekly 10% of non-compliant foods. When you have access to the foods that were once off limits on a regular basis, they become much less appealing. When you can actually sit down and eat a bowl of ice cream, instead of sneaking in the "I'm not really eating this" spoon fulls every time you open the freezer, you may start to find that the ice cream will lose its appeal. So allow yourself the occasional, guilt-free splurge, and you will likely find your 90% easier to stick with.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thermometer Jeans Challenges Accountability Meeting Times
For all of our Thermometer Jeans Challenge contestants; Monday accountability meetings with Rachel are held at 6:30am, 9:30am and 6:30pm. All meetings will be a half hour. That's every Monday for the next 8 weeks.
Friday, September 10, 2010
It's not too late to sign up for the Thermometer Jeans Challenge!
The official "eating season" has begun...summer is over, kids are back to school and football has started. Maybe you have found yourself watching more sports, ordering more pizza, eating more chips and drinking more alcohol...or maybe not. But as October approaches with Halloween and then Thanks giving and of course the holiday season these next few months could be considered the official eating season.
Come up with a game plan now to be hot for the holidays! This is why committing yourself to a challenge this next 8 weeks is a great idea! Our Thermometer Jeans Challenge has kicked off and officially begins on Monday the 13th.
- 8 coaching/accountability meetings: VALUE $400
- 8 weeks gym membership: VALUE:$500
- Unlimited group fitness classes: VALUE $1600 ($20/class)
- Nutrition program and journal $125
- A signed copy of The Female Body Breakthrough VALUE:$22
- Down two jean sizes: $ priceless!!!
- And EVERY participant who loses TWO jean sizes will WIN and receive a $100 Certificate to J.Serraino VALUE $100
ONLY $499 OR $89 for members
It isn't too late to sign up.
Call TODAY to get signed up - 661-799-7900
Don't miss out and kick off this eating season with a winning start!
Call TODAY to get signed up - 661-799-7900
Starts Monday the 13th!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hey group members!
Hopefully you all are having a great time in class- I know I love being with you all and watching you get stronger, leaner, and healthier. A few of our group members notice my huge smile as I coach class, because I’m so proud of you!
At the beginning of each class, we coaches ask if there is any class we can add, any questions anyone may have, and what we can do to make it better. This is an important aspect of our group coaching- I need your input as to how to make it even better and more fun for you.
The days and times of the classes are a direct reflection of input we receive from our valued family members in the gym. The decision to have a total body class or a metabolic class, or a regeneration class is 100% YOUR choice.
There is a sheet attached to the schedule that asks for input for added classes, different times for classes etc. Please feel free to comment on the classes so we can be the best part of your day, every day!
Remember too: foam roll and stretch before class, and make sure you stretch, foam roll and get a recovery shake at the end of class.
Mike Wunsch
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Results Fitness on Men's Health Americas Top 10 Gyms List for 2nd Year!
Results Fitness made the Men's Health Americas Top 10 Gym's list for the 2nd year in a row!
An enormous thank you to our members, our team and to Men's Health magazine!
Reminder: Tomorrow night Thursday 9/2 from 7pm t 9pm, Results Fitness Thermometer Jeans Challenge Kick-Off Seminar. Come join us and check out one of Americas top 10 gyms!! Rachel Cosgrove will be our speaker!!
An enormous thank you to our members, our team and to Men's Health magazine!
Reminder: Tomorrow night Thursday 9/2 from 7pm t 9pm, Results Fitness Thermometer Jeans Challenge Kick-Off Seminar. Come join us and check out one of Americas top 10 gyms!! Rachel Cosgrove will be our speaker!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thermometer Jeans Challenge Kickoff Seminar This Thursday!!!!!!
Come Join the Challenge! |
Come find out what the Thermometer Jeans Challenge is all about! Check out the gym, speak with our team, try out our shake cafe. This challenge is going to be one of the best ever! So many have signed up already and you can sign up too, this Thursday night.
Lose 2 jean sizes and get a $100 gift certificate to j. serraino clothing and accessories!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Join The Results Fitness Thermometer Jeans Challenge!!!
What are "Thermometer Jeans?" you ask. They tell you if you are HOT or NOT. You know the pair of jeans you have stuffed to the back of your closet and...one day you'll fit into them again...Today is the day that you take action to fit into them!
Here's How It Works
* Bring in a pair of jeans from your closet or buy a pair you would like to fit into; jeans should be no more than 2 sizes too small.
* We'll take a picture of you trying to get 'em on' over a pair of spandex shorts or pants.
We will keep your jeans at the gym; and you can try 'em on throughout the challenge.
* You will have 8 weeks to get into your jeans...and at the end when you fit into your jeans you will receive a $100 gift certificate to j. serraino clothing and accessories.
Our Thermometer Jeans Kick-Off Seminar will be held Thursday September 2nd from 7pm to 9pm. To RSVP please email info@results-fitness.com or call 661-799-7900.
For details and pricing for members and non-members please visit our website at www.results-fitness.com!
Monday, August 23, 2010
New Class Schedule and New Friday-Saturday Hours!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sleep, Fat Loss, and Foods That Can Get You There!
A Fit Tip by Kaitlyn Weiss C.S.C.S.
Getting a good night's sleep (7-8 hours) is crucial for fat loss and recovery. With this in mind, many people have a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep, despite the best of intentions. The following foods have been found to help relax the body by relaxing the muscles, and relaxing the mind by calming you down via serotonin and melatonin, your sleep-inducing hormones. Try having a few of these foods about 2 hours prior to bedtime:
. Bananas - A combination of serotonin, melatonin, and magnesium (a muscle relaxer) make this fruit one of the best natural sleep aids.
. Milk (especially warm) - Contains tryptophan (an amino acid) which can have a sedative effect on the body, as well as calcium which helps the body use the tryptophan. Note: Deep sleep levels are more difficult to achieve with low calcium levels.
. Almonds - A serving contains both tryptophan and magnesium, and are very good for your heart.
. Turkey - One of the most popular sources of tryptophan.
. Flaxseed - Just a couple tablespoons of flaxseed or a teaspoon of flaxseed oil in a protein shake are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (also found in the fish oil capsules, we suggest all our clients take daily) which are a natural mood enhancer and can help relax you if stress has been keeping you awake at night.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Alwyn Cosgrove and Mike Wunsch: Men's Health Interview Videos
Results Fitness co-owner Alwyn Cosgrove and fitness manager Mike Wunsch speaking on bodyweight circuits and exercise progression in interviews with Men's Health magazine. Click here and take a look at the videos.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Check Out the New Article in the Signal!
Click here to check out Rachel's new article in the Signal. Great pics of some of our Results Fitness moms working out and showing off their muscles.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Why is Vitamin D So Important?
By Kaitlyn Weiss C.S.C.S.
Vitamin D has a slew of health benefits including reduced abdominal fat, enhanced immunity, cancer prevention, improved brain and heart functioning, reducing symptoms and also prevention of depression, improved bone density, and much more. However, despite all these benefits, studies have found as many as three fourths of adults in the United States to have a Vitamin D deficiency. Many studies have found a deficiency to be linked to many serious health problems including: Multiple Sclerosis, certain cancers, athsma, certian flu strains, depression, osteoperosis, obesity, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and more. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 1000 IU, and this can be acheived through proper supplementation, 15 minutes of sunlight daily, and eating foods rich in Vitamin D (see the table below). *
*Note: Those taking medications including Corticosteroids (Prednisone), Cholesterol lowering drugs Quedran, LoCholest, and Prevalite, and those taking Phenobarbital and Phenytonin should not take vitamin D due to negative drug interactions.
Table 3: Selected Food Sources of Vitamin D
Food - IUs per serving* - Percent DV**
Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon - 1,360 - 340
Salmon (sockeye), cooked, 3 ounces - 794 - 199
Mushrooms that have been exposed to
ultraviolet light to increase vitamin D,
3 ounces (not yet commonly available) - 400 - 100
Mackerel, cooked, 3 ounces - 388 - 97
Tuna fish, canned in water, drained, 3oz. - 154 - 39
Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole,
vitamin D-fortified, 1 cup - 115-124 - 29-31
Orange juice fortified with vitamin D,
1 cup (check product labels, as amount
of added vitamin D varies) - 100 - 25
Yogurt, fortified with 20% of the DV
for vitamin D, 6 ounces (more heavily
fortified yogurts provide more of the DV) - 80 - 20
Sardines, canned in oil, drained,
2 sardines - 46 - 12
Liver, beef, cooked, 3.5 ounces - 46 - 12
Ready-to-eat cereal, fortified with
10% of the DV for vitamin D, 0.75-1 cup
(more heavily fortified cereals might
provide more of the DV) - 40 - 10
Egg, 1 whole (vitamin D is found in yolk) - 25 - 6
Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce - 6 - 2
Vitamin D has a slew of health benefits including reduced abdominal fat, enhanced immunity, cancer prevention, improved brain and heart functioning, reducing symptoms and also prevention of depression, improved bone density, and much more. However, despite all these benefits, studies have found as many as three fourths of adults in the United States to have a Vitamin D deficiency. Many studies have found a deficiency to be linked to many serious health problems including: Multiple Sclerosis, certain cancers, athsma, certian flu strains, depression, osteoperosis, obesity, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and more. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 1000 IU, and this can be acheived through proper supplementation, 15 minutes of sunlight daily, and eating foods rich in Vitamin D (see the table below). *
*Note: Those taking medications including Corticosteroids (Prednisone), Cholesterol lowering drugs Quedran, LoCholest, and Prevalite, and those taking Phenobarbital and Phenytonin should not take vitamin D due to negative drug interactions.
Table 3: Selected Food Sources of Vitamin D
Food - IUs per serving* - Percent DV**
Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon - 1,360 - 340
Salmon (sockeye), cooked, 3 ounces - 794 - 199
Mushrooms that have been exposed to
ultraviolet light to increase vitamin D,
3 ounces (not yet commonly available) - 400 - 100
Mackerel, cooked, 3 ounces - 388 - 97
Tuna fish, canned in water, drained, 3oz. - 154 - 39
Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole,
vitamin D-fortified, 1 cup - 115-124 - 29-31
Orange juice fortified with vitamin D,
1 cup (check product labels, as amount
of added vitamin D varies) - 100 - 25
Yogurt, fortified with 20% of the DV
for vitamin D, 6 ounces (more heavily
fortified yogurts provide more of the DV) - 80 - 20
Sardines, canned in oil, drained,
2 sardines - 46 - 12
Liver, beef, cooked, 3.5 ounces - 46 - 12
Ready-to-eat cereal, fortified with
10% of the DV for vitamin D, 0.75-1 cup
(more heavily fortified cereals might
provide more of the DV) - 40 - 10
Egg, 1 whole (vitamin D is found in yolk) - 25 - 6
Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce - 6 - 2
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The U.S. Obesity Rate
A Fit Tip by Kaitlyn Weiss
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 67% of Americans are overweight or obese. Looking at the map below, it is alarming to see only 6 states with less then 22% of residents that are overweight or obese. Linked with these scary statistics are a rise in individuals diagnosed with diseases including heart disease, type II diabetes, and liver disease, to name a few; all of which can be fatal. Even more upsetting is the fact that 15-20,000 individuals die of malnourishment everyday in different parts of the world. So what can you do to change the fate of our growing nation? A good start is getting in exercise 3-5 times a week, and eating a healthy, balanced diet.
We are all here to help you reach your goals, and to provide you with the tools you need to achieve a healthier life. Let us know how can we help you?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 67% of Americans are overweight or obese. Looking at the map below, it is alarming to see only 6 states with less then 22% of residents that are overweight or obese. Linked with these scary statistics are a rise in individuals diagnosed with diseases including heart disease, type II diabetes, and liver disease, to name a few; all of which can be fatal. Even more upsetting is the fact that 15-20,000 individuals die of malnourishment everyday in different parts of the world. So what can you do to change the fate of our growing nation? A good start is getting in exercise 3-5 times a week, and eating a healthy, balanced diet.
We are all here to help you reach your goals, and to provide you with the tools you need to achieve a healthier life. Let us know how can we help you?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Please help us out by being in our next photo shoot for "The Signal" newspaper. The article will be about kids going back to school and moms getting back to their fitness routine; and we would love to feature some of our very own "Results Fitness Moms" in the article.
Please email us at info@results-fitness.com a.s.a.p. if you can be at the gym at 9:30 a.m. this Friday (July 16th) for the photo shoot. Thank You!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Rachel Cosgrove the Maneater
Rachel Cosgrove of Results Fitness does some serious work with Robert Dos Remedios from coachdos.com! Results Fitness Does Work! Click here to see the Hermosa Beach workout.
Friday, July 9, 2010
New Referral Program
Dear Member and Friend...
Being the best fitness club in the area doesn't just happen. We have to constantly work hard to provide you with the most cutting edge training methods and lifestyle enhancement programs to help you achieve your fitness goals and to improve the activities in your life.
We are truly grateful for the many members who show their trust and confidence in our club and our staff by referring their family and friends to us.
As a token of our appreciation, in addition to the $50.00 in Club Bucks we will add to your member prepay, you may select any one of the gifts below for each new member* you refer.
* A $100 gift card to LAZY DOG CAFE
* A $100 gift card to GLEN IVY SPA
* A $100 gift card to BEST BUY
Cameron Hedges and The Results Fitness Team
*A new member refers to an annual or short term sign-up; this offer does not apply to trial members.
Being the best fitness club in the area doesn't just happen. We have to constantly work hard to provide you with the most cutting edge training methods and lifestyle enhancement programs to help you achieve your fitness goals and to improve the activities in your life.
We are truly grateful for the many members who show their trust and confidence in our club and our staff by referring their family and friends to us.
As a token of our appreciation, in addition to the $50.00 in Club Bucks we will add to your member prepay, you may select any one of the gifts below for each new member* you refer.
* A $100 gift card to LAZY DOG CAFE
* A $100 gift card to GLEN IVY SPA
* A $100 gift card to BEST BUY
Cameron Hedges and The Results Fitness Team
*A new member refers to an annual or short term sign-up; this offer does not apply to trial members.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
2010 Best of the Santa Clarita Valley! Cast your votes!
It's that time again. The Signal is holding their 9th annual "Best of the Santa Clarita Valley" poll. Please click here and vote for Results Fitness or check your newpaper for the mail-in ballot. We are located under "Places, Fitness Center/Gym." Please cast your vote. Huge and sincere thanks to all of you that have helped us become one of the top 10 gyms in America!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Check out Rachel Cosgrove's latest article "Secrets to poolside confidence" in the Signal. Click here!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Our Core Values!
The question we ask ourselves before making any decision at Results Fitness is: "Does this fit into our core values?" Our gym is our home, our members are our family, our guests. They deserve nothing less than the absolute best from each and every one of our team. These core values ensure that we are being the best part of our members' day every day.
Friday, April 16, 2010
1st place $5000 winners of the New Year New You Transformation Contest is Team BAM-B!!!!! These ladies lost a combined total of 68.6lbs. of fat in 6 weeks! They absolutely rocked it! Congratulations to the 5 of you!!! Enjoy the your new physiques and the extra $1000 each.
This is how the Top 5 teams looked:
1. Team BAM-B - lost 68.6 lbs. of fat
2. Team Hines 57 - lost 61.8 lbs. of fat
3. Team The Wright Stuff - lost 56.8 lbs. of fat
4. Team King - lost 49.5 lbs. of fat
5. Team For Better or Werts - lost 46.5 lbs. of fat
Congratulations to the Top 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome job!!!!!!
Congratulations to all of the New Year New You Contestants!! We loved having you as part of the Results Fitness family!
Thanks to all of you,
The Results Fitness Team
Monday, April 5, 2010
A couple of new studies just released (thanks to Adam Campbell for forwarding):
STUDY 1 – The first one compared traditional weight training doing a set of one exercise, then resting and then repeating to a superset workout similar to the ones we use at Emerge Fitness Center (where you perform for example one set of presses, rest a period of time and then perform one set of rows before repeating). The researchers concluded that the superset group burned more calories per minute than the traditional weight training group and yielded more fat reduction. So if workout time is limited (which it is for most of us), and the goal is to drop some excess fat, a superset based workout may be superior.
STUDY 2- Taking that one step further, another study looked at three groups – a low intensity circuit training group, an endurance (cardio) only training group and a high intensity circuit training group. This study concluded that among the three groups, the high intensity circuit training showed the greatest reductions in body weight, percentage of fat mass , waistline, blood lactate (produced at 100 Watt during submaximal test) and greater improvement in 6RM in horizontal leg press and underhand cable pulldowns.
Both of these studies show that pairing or setting up a circuit of exercises using high intensity exercise, will be more effective for fat loss and weight reduction than doing pure endurance training. When we combine the two above studies – we can conclude that using a program like the ones at Emerge Fitness Center using supersets, within a circuit format will be the most effective fat loss strategy within the weight room.
Bottom Line: If your goal is to lose fat, set up all your resistance training in superset, triset or circuit (a term we use to describe 4 or more exercises) fashion to really maximize your results. If you add in some interval training (which is metabolically similar to the above type of training – high intensity work followed by a rest period) and clean up your diet, you’ll make great progress.
Results Fitness Team
STUDY 2- Taking that one step further, another study looked at three groups – a low intensity circuit training group, an endurance (cardio) only training group and a high intensity circuit training group. This study concluded that among the three groups, the high intensity circuit training showed the greatest reductions in body weight, percentage of fat mass , waistline, blood lactate (produced at 100 Watt during submaximal test) and greater improvement in 6RM in horizontal leg press and underhand cable pulldowns.
Both of these studies show that pairing or setting up a circuit of exercises using high intensity exercise, will be more effective for fat loss and weight reduction than doing pure endurance training. When we combine the two above studies – we can conclude that using a program like the ones at Emerge Fitness Center using supersets, within a circuit format will be the most effective fat loss strategy within the weight room.
Bottom Line: If your goal is to lose fat, set up all your resistance training in superset, triset or circuit (a term we use to describe 4 or more exercises) fashion to really maximize your results. If you add in some interval training (which is metabolically similar to the above type of training – high intensity work followed by a rest period) and clean up your diet, you’ll make great progress.
Results Fitness Team
Saturday, February 6, 2010
New Year, New You Transformation Challenge!!

The Results Fitness New Year, New You Transformation Challenge!!! $5000 grand prize!!!! Over 100 signed up already! Come join us for our 6-week contest beginning Feb. 15th. Weigh-ins have begun but it is not too late. You do not have to be a member to be in the contest. Just come in pay $50 and sign up. It's that easy. Check out our website and click the "more details" link to view a PDF flier.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Important segment on Good Morning America
Great segment on GMA this morning. EXACTLY what we will be discussing tomorrow night at the gym 6pm - http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=9674189
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
New Year, New You Metabolic Transformation Seminar!

Come join us this Thursday evening January 28th 6pm-9pm at the Results Fitness facility for our New Year, New You Metabolic Transformation Seminar. Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove (owners) will be our keynote speakers. Come learn everything you need to know about your health and quality of life.
Members, bring a non-member friend and admission is free for both of you. Non-members pay $15, or sign up for our New Year, New You transformation contest for $50 and admission is free! Don't miss out!!!
For details see our PDF Flyer.
Results Fitness is located at 24420 Walnut Street, Newhall, CA 91321. Ph. 661-799-7900: www.results-fitness.com
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