Thursday, August 26, 2010

Join The Results Fitness Thermometer Jeans Challenge!!!

What are "Thermometer Jeans?" you ask. They tell you if you are HOT or NOT. You know the pair of jeans you have stuffed to the back of your closet day you'll fit into them again...Today is the day that you take action to fit into them! 

Here's How It Works
* Bring in a pair of jeans from your closet or buy a pair you would like to fit into; jeans should be no more than 2 sizes too small.
* We'll take a picture of you trying to get 'em on' over a pair of spandex shorts or pants.
We will keep your jeans at the gym; and you can try 'em on throughout the challenge.
* You will have 8 weeks to get into your jeans...and at the end when you fit into your jeans you will receive a $100 gift certificate to j. serraino clothing and accessories. 

Our Thermometer Jeans Kick-Off Seminar will be held Thursday September 2nd from 7pm to 9pm. To RSVP please email or call 661-799-7900.

For details and pricing for members and non-members please visit our website at!