Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recovery Shakes!!!

 Hey everyone!

An extremely effective (and tasty!) strategy to increase fat loss is to make sure you have a recovery shake post workout.  There are several reasons we at Results Fitness have recommended post-work out shakes for fat loss- and here are some:

1.      Puts the blood sugar balance in favor of fat loss.  After a workout the blood sugar levels are extremely low, and this is not good for fat loss.  By drinking the all natural shakes to replenish your body, this is the fastest way to get your body in fat burning mode again.

2.     Helps rebuild the tissues in the body that have been stressed by exercise.  This is primarily the job of protein and can be thought of the tools your body needs to repair the body.  If your body can repair muscle, then the metabolism can stay elevated which is crucial for fat loss.  This allows for the body to be in rebuild mode, not tear down mode. 

3.     The ingredients are all natural, with no additives or anything that is not absolutely necessary for you.  

4.     They taste FANTASTIC!

Our shakes here at the gym have several add-ins that are available that help with your goals such as sniffles be gone for immune system support , and veggie meal for real which has fiber and a serving of vegetables.

Remember, starving yourself is not the answer to fat loss, in fact depriving yourself of calories will have the opposite affect. Make sure you have your recovery shake after each workout to ensure peak fat loss results.