Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An Emergency Kit... For Your Grumbly Tummy!

By Cody Bartosh

Sometimes it's tough to get in all the right nutrition in a day. Especially if time and/or money is short. This is what leads us to "lazy cheats" or finding the easy way out by running through McDonald's or Taco Bell. Or by skipping a meal entirely and forgoing any nutrition what so ever!

Just like you prepare an earthquake kit at home, or a first aid kit and extra set of clothes for the car (you do do that right...?) you can save yourself from a lazy cheat, mid-day fatigue and sabotaged goals by preparing this simple and inexpensive emergency nutrition kit.

All you need is 10 minutes, and a few choice items.

Here's the list;

- A bag of raw, unsalted nuts (almonds, walnuts and pistachios are great!)
- Some low sodium Jerky (turkey jerky rocks!)
- A bag of dried fruit (No sugar added)
- 2 bottles of water

And while you're at, it toss a couple of multi-vitamins in there as well, just in case you miss them in the morning.

Put 3 kits together. One for home (to grab in a hurry), one for the car and one for the office. You can pack them in little coolers, a big zip-lock bag or just a plain grocery bag.

The big secret to nutritional success is being prepared, especially in an emergency!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Why Stretch?

Stretching is key to bringing oxygen, blood flow, mobility and flexibility to muscles.  It helps to metabolize by-products for quicker recovery.  If you lack focus, neglect or just go through the motions while stretching, over time you run the risk of injury, bad posture, rounded shoulders, forward chin, tighter hamstrings and tight hip rotators. So, put some time and focus into your stretching and warm-up program.